Cameroon- faces and places:

a photographic exhibition by two Cameroonian photographers

1. Curated by Dr David Zeitlyn and David Reason
British Council Yaounde Seminar Room 16 Jan - 30 Jan 2004
British Council Library, Bamenda 1 - 8 March 2004 during Commonwealth week
British Council Offices Douala February 2005

2. National Portrait Gallery, London in Summer 2005 curated by NPG staff

Some photographs of David Zeitlyn and Joseph Tchila at the show in Yaoundé

A web version of the exhibition is now available. Snapping the snappers

There is also online access to the long list from which these images were selected. These made up the 'poster' visible in the photograph above.

Dr David Zeitlyn is Reader in Social Anthropology, at the Department of Anthropology,
Mr David Reason is Senior Lecturer in Interdisciplinary Studies, the Head of History & Theory of Art. Both at the University of Kent, Canterbury, UK.

The exhibition was arranged with the support of the British Council, Cameroon.

Comments may be emailed to David Zeitlyn EMail David Zeitlyn